Thought work is useful for solving complex problems. Most people are experienced and specialists in various areas. They've attended school, had projects, and failed and learned from failures. They likely use experience as an example of what is possible. Many unknowns exist with complex problems, and even the final result is often unknown. The solution is often only known once it is created. If the problem is complex and without precedent, the team should not only use past experiences to create a future result. They will have to depend on their higher level thinking to create new experiences. This is where thought work helps!
Thought work helps people find solutions by accessing the deeper knowing of their minds. They need to practice thought work, because they have a brain with three desires, which may lead to lower level thinking and the same answers.
It wants to avoid discomfort. People will do the same things because it's comfortable. It's not their fault. This is because the brain wants us to avoid anything that may cause us to be judged or rejected. It is how the brain has helped us evolve and survive over thousands of years, because being rejected during the days of the caveman would mean we would have to survive without the pack.
The brain also desires pleasure. It wants gratification immediately. It will think that a failed potential solution is bad, and this leads us to either seek perfection or not try new things. People will return to what they believe, leading to the same answers. That is our brain at work, which has helped us survive on earth, and it happens unconsciously. And, lastly,
It wants to conserve energy and reduce effort. It does what is easy instead of what is helpful. The brain only seeks the easy option, leaving behind potential easy solutions considered too difficult.
Our brain is designed to process information, but it has a safety bias. This is because leaving the cave in search of food was risky for cavemen. Our senses were more attuned to danger during primitive times. Although we don't face the same risks, our primitive brain doesn't realize that. We have to use our prefrontal cortex to think about what is a real risk and what is not. Proposing a creative solution that may fail isn't as risky as we may believe.
The solution is for those working on the problem to self-evaluate and challenge their own beliefs to create something new and innovative. This is the value of Thought Work. It helps you become aware of the thinking that creates results in your life, so you can change them if desired.
This work is for all teams. It is for anyone who has to create solutions from complex circumstances. It is the only way to create a future! Otherwise, you will repeat the past or create the future by default. Everyone deserves this skill.
Contact me to learn about thought work and how I can help you achieve goals and create your desired future!
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